Marshall and Stocker Chiropody and Podiatry practice
Marshall and Stocker Chiropody and Podiatry practice  


Verrucae are caused by viral infection.

We offer a variety of differents treatments and suggest that you and the podiatrist after discussion, decide on a treatment plan suitable for you, with options including cryotherapy, caustics, marigold therapy or even self treatment.

The first appointment can last up to 30 minutes, allowing the podiatrist/chiropodist to assess your feet and to give an initial treatment to the verruca.

The number of ongoing treatments will depend on the verruca.

Contact us

You can reach us in Bristol



01453 547012


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In order to visit us

Please telephone us for an appointment

at the surgery or at home





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Marshall and Stocker 518 Gloucester Rd. Horfield, Bristol BS7 8UF


